Your donation will educate and empower underprivileged children in Pakistan to live their dreams.
Account Title: DIL Trust UK
Bank: HSBC
Account No: 41278711
Sort Code: 40-03-36
Make cheques payable to “DIL Trust UK.”
Please mail all checks to the DIL UK office located at:
Developments In Literacy UK
67 Gresham Gardens
London, NW11 8PA
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DIL UK transfers 100% of your Zakat donation to DIL in Pakistan. DIL collects and distributes zakat to underprivileged students in Pakistan.Giving your zakat through DIL means you can help provide an education and change the lives of thousands of underprivileged students in Pakistan. Through your contribution, you will be turning dreams into reality. DIL does not use any of the donation to cover the costs we incur in administering Zakat, those costs are covered by other, non-Zakat funds. A copy of DILs Shariah approval for Zakat collection can be found here